lower premiums & tailored coverage
stable investment income
a more friendly user experience

unlock the secrets to a brighter insurance future.
Get ready for a new insurance experience. goodbye insurance headaches. welcome to a brighter insurance future.
Who We Are
we're nimblr.
we believe if you love something, you should protect it. That's why we've built a new insurance os that allows everyone to purchase the insurance they want for the need they have.
wanna get nimblr with us?
how does nimblr work?
the two pillars of nimblr's new insurance operating system are decentralized technology and AI. this tech comes together to create a multitude of benefits for all members of nimblr.
Lightning Fast Tech…

Fair Prices…

Transparent and clear…

Participate & Earn…

Share in the Rewards…

Participate & Earn…

what it all means…
an insurance system built on efficiency means an insurance system that works for everyone. Goodbye insurance headaches.
Less time spent shopping. You already have all the data you need to get a quote. So, why fill out 10 different applications.
Max 2 days
claims processing vs 4 weeks. Our Nimblr data stack and tech allow us to process claims in a fraction of the time of traditional carriers.
average insurance as an investment class return. plus add bonus points, rewards multiples and more to increase your return.
++ net work
of insurance professionals to build your insurance plan. This ensures you are getting the best rate, best coverage, and there is money to pay your claims.
2 | 4 | 1
Nimblr is built with multiple layers of capital security. First, we have 2 layers of capital reserved to pay claims. Second, we have 4 tiers of investments to attract new capital providers. Finally, we have the Nimblr Common Reserve to provide additional capital security for all Nimblrs.
++ Coun tless
possibilities to insure practially any risk. Nimblr's distributed system ensures that you can get professionals, capital providers, and more are available to get you the coverage you want.
HAve A Question?
We have Answers
how does nimblr save me money on premiums?
The long answer is that by creating Risk Sharing "pockets" and leveraging lightning fast distributed technology, Nimblr keeps the cost of running an insurance company way, way down. Like 50% less-kinda-down. That savings is used to provide stable returns to those that want to participate in insurance as an investment class. The savings is also used to drive down premiums. Better yet - since this is Risk Sharing - in good years with lower than anticipated claims, all members that Nimblr Risk Pocket are entitled to profitability rewards and cash-back.
what if i don't want to be part of the Nimblr community?
You don't need to do anything you don't to. Member of the Nimblr community can participate as much or as little as they'd like. Members can vote in claims, provide data, answer questions, help other users, and more. The more a user participates, the more they are rewarded with Nimblr Points. These Nimblr Points provide discounts, can be cashed-out, or can be used to "tip" the insurance professionals who have helped you. If you chose not to participate, that's fine too. You can simply purchase an insurance plan and go on your merry way.
Can you really pay claims that quickly?
Yes. Consider what it takes to settle an insurance claim in the traditional insurance process. You need to file the claim. Then, you typically will talk to a claims adjuster. That claims adjusters will review your policy coverage, terms, exclusions, endorsements, etc. They will also verify the claim by asking additional questions, doing site surveys, gathering police reports and other documents. This process takes time and it costs money. Nimblr leverages vast data sources and connections to public data to speed this process along. Nimblr can cryptographically determine the "confidence" of a claim. The result is a faster claims process to get you back to where you were prior to the loss. The positive side-effect is lower cost to settle claims which means more money in your pocket through lower premiums.
It sounds complicated. Is it?
Well - behind the scenes - yes it is very complicated. However, we understand that building a New Insurance OS that benefits insureds and professionals, and investors can't be hard to use. That's the problem Nimblr solves. We leverage AI and LLM to provide you with real-time data, real-time service, and real-time quotes. We've boiled it all down to the simplest of all human interaction: "Just Ask".
You mentioned blockchain - so this is crypto?
Nimblr is built on the Algorand blockchain. However, you don't have to be a Degen, or Crypto Native, or DeFi trader. Nimblr leverages blockchain technology for its security, transparency, and ability to provide multiple trusted sources of data. We truly believe that blockchain will usher in an entire set of new financial systems. We are focused on the insurance system. Premiums can be paid with "regular money". Claims are paid out in dollar-to-dollar denominated funds. You don't need a special passkey, or new wallet. We do recommend you get a digital wallet and we are happy to help you set it up. Nimblr will also be issuing a token, $Nimblr. But, think of that as rewards points at your local coffee shop, but with much greater benefits.
Why the heck would an insurance professional want to work in this new model?
Insurance professionals don't get the credit they deserve. Long hours, hard math, emerging risks - but we can't bring up our jobs at a friendly cookout without people telling us their worst experiences. Nimblr believes it is long overdue for insurance professionals to have a new way to work. A professional setting that allows them to apply their experience and knowledge to new, emerging, and diverse risks. They are paid for that work and they retain ownership of that work. Can you say Actuarial Model Royalties? Can you say Pricing Model Profit Sharing? We are very excited for the future of insurance and the future of insurance work!
Reach Out & Connect
Have questions or inquiries? We're here to help! Reach out to us for assistance, inquiries, or partnership opportunities.
Get ready for a new insurance experience. goodbye insurance headaches. welcome to a brighter insurance future.
Who We Are
we're nimblr.
we believe if you love something, you should protect it. That's why we've built a new insurance os that allows everyone to purchase the insurance they want for the need they have.
wanna get nimblr with us?
how does nimblr work?
the two pillars of nimblr's new insurance operating system are decentralized technology and AI. this tech comes together to create a multitude of benefits for all members of nimblr.
Lightning Fast Tech…

Fair Prices…

Transparent and clear…

Participate & Earn…

Share in the Rewards…

Participate & Earn…

what it all means…
an insurance system built on efficiency means an insurance system that works for everyone. Goodbye insurance headaches.
Less time spent shopping. You already have all the data you need to get a quote. So, why fill out 10 different applications.
Max 2 days
claims processing vs 4 weeks. Our Nimblr data stack and tech allow us to process claims in a fraction of the time of traditional carriers.
average insurance as an investment class return. plus add bonus points, rewards multiples and more to increase your return.
++ net work
of insurance professionals to build your insurance plan. This ensures you are getting the best rate, best coverage, and there is money to pay your claims.
2 | 4 | 1
Nimblr is built with multiple layers of capital security. First, we have 2 layers of capital reserved to pay claims. Second, we have 4 tiers of investments to attract new capital providers. Finally, we have the Nimblr Common Reserve to provide additional capital security for all Nimblrs.
++ Coun tless
possibilities to insure practially any risk. Nimblr's distributed system ensures that you can get professionals, capital providers, and more are available to get you the coverage you want.
HAve A Question?
We have Answers
how does nimblr save me money on premiums?
The long answer is that by creating Risk Sharing "pockets" and leveraging lightning fast distributed technology, Nimblr keeps the cost of running an insurance company way, way down. Like 50% less-kinda-down. That savings is used to provide stable returns to those that want to participate in insurance as an investment class. The savings is also used to drive down premiums. Better yet - since this is Risk Sharing - in good years with lower than anticipated claims, all members that Nimblr Risk Pocket are entitled to profitability rewards and cash-back.
what if i don't want to be part of the Nimblr community?
You don't need to do anything you don't to. Member of the Nimblr community can participate as much or as little as they'd like. Members can vote in claims, provide data, answer questions, help other users, and more. The more a user participates, the more they are rewarded with Nimblr Points. These Nimblr Points provide discounts, can be cashed-out, or can be used to "tip" the insurance professionals who have helped you. If you chose not to participate, that's fine too. You can simply purchase an insurance plan and go on your merry way.
Can you really pay claims that quickly?
Yes. Consider what it takes to settle an insurance claim in the traditional insurance process. You need to file the claim. Then, you typically will talk to a claims adjuster. That claims adjusters will review your policy coverage, terms, exclusions, endorsements, etc. They will also verify the claim by asking additional questions, doing site surveys, gathering police reports and other documents. This process takes time and it costs money. Nimblr leverages vast data sources and connections to public data to speed this process along. Nimblr can cryptographically determine the "confidence" of a claim. The result is a faster claims process to get you back to where you were prior to the loss. The positive side-effect is lower cost to settle claims which means more money in your pocket through lower premiums.
It sounds complicated. Is it?
Well - behind the scenes - yes it is very complicated. However, we understand that building a New Insurance OS that benefits insureds and professionals, and investors can't be hard to use. That's the problem Nimblr solves. We leverage AI and LLM to provide you with real-time data, real-time service, and real-time quotes. We've boiled it all down to the simplest of all human interaction: "Just Ask".
You mentioned blockchain - so this is crypto?
Nimblr is built on the Algorand blockchain. However, you don't have to be a Degen, or Crypto Native, or DeFi trader. Nimblr leverages blockchain technology for its security, transparency, and ability to provide multiple trusted sources of data. We truly believe that blockchain will usher in an entire set of new financial systems. We are focused on the insurance system. Premiums can be paid with "regular money". Claims are paid out in dollar-to-dollar denominated funds. You don't need a special passkey, or new wallet. We do recommend you get a digital wallet and we are happy to help you set it up. Nimblr will also be issuing a token, $Nimblr. But, think of that as rewards points at your local coffee shop, but with much greater benefits.
Why the heck would an insurance professional want to work in this new model?
Insurance professionals don't get the credit they deserve. Long hours, hard math, emerging risks - but we can't bring up our jobs at a friendly cookout without people telling us their worst experiences. Nimblr believes it is long overdue for insurance professionals to have a new way to work. A professional setting that allows them to apply their experience and knowledge to new, emerging, and diverse risks. They are paid for that work and they retain ownership of that work. Can you say Actuarial Model Royalties? Can you say Pricing Model Profit Sharing? We are very excited for the future of insurance and the future of insurance work!
Reach Out
Have questions or inquiries? We're here to help! Reach out to us for assistance, inquiries, or partnership opportunities.
Get ready for a new insurance experience. goodbye insurance headaches. welcome to a brighter insurance future.
Who We Are
we're nimblr.
we believe if you love something, you should protect it. That's why we've built a new insurance os that allows everyone to purchase the insurance they want for the need they have.
wanna get nimblr with us?
how does nimblr work?
the two pillars of nimblr's new insurance operating system are decentralized technology and AI. this tech comes together to create a multitude of benefits for all members of nimblr.
Lightning Fast Tech…

Fair Prices…

Transparent and clear…

Participate & Earn…

Share in the Rewards…

Participate & Earn…

what it all means…
an insurance system built on efficiency means an insurance system that works for everyone. Goodbye insurance headaches.
Less time spent shopping. You already have all the data you need to get a quote. So, why fill out 10 different applications.
Max 2 days
claims processing vs 4 weeks. Our Nimblr data stack and tech allow us to process claims in a fraction of the time of traditional carriers.
average insurance as an investment class return. plus add bonus points, rewards multiples and more to increase your return.
++ net work
of insurance professionals to build your insurance plan. This ensures you are getting the best rate, best coverage, and there is money to pay your claims.
2 | 4 | 1
Nimblr is built with multiple layers of capital security. First, we have 2 layers of capital reserved to pay claims. Second, we have 4 tiers of investments to attract new capital providers. Finally, we have the Nimblr Common Reserve to provide additional capital security for all Nimblrs.
++ Coun tless
possibilities to insure practially any risk. Nimblr's distributed system ensures that you can get professionals, capital providers, and more are available to get you the coverage you want.
HAve A Question?
We have Answers
how does nimblr save me money on premiums?
The long answer is that by creating Risk Sharing "pockets" and leveraging lightning fast distributed technology, Nimblr keeps the cost of running an insurance company way, way down. Like 50% less-kinda-down. That savings is used to provide stable returns to those that want to participate in insurance as an investment class. The savings is also used to drive down premiums. Better yet - since this is Risk Sharing - in good years with lower than anticipated claims, all members that Nimblr Risk Pocket are entitled to profitability rewards and cash-back.
what if i don't want to be part of the Nimblr community?
You don't need to do anything you don't to. Member of the Nimblr community can participate as much or as little as they'd like. Members can vote in claims, provide data, answer questions, help other users, and more. The more a user participates, the more they are rewarded with Nimblr Points. These Nimblr Points provide discounts, can be cashed-out, or can be used to "tip" the insurance professionals who have helped you. If you chose not to participate, that's fine too. You can simply purchase an insurance plan and go on your merry way.
Can you really pay claims that quickly?
Yes. Consider what it takes to settle an insurance claim in the traditional insurance process. You need to file the claim. Then, you typically will talk to a claims adjuster. That claims adjusters will review your policy coverage, terms, exclusions, endorsements, etc. They will also verify the claim by asking additional questions, doing site surveys, gathering police reports and other documents. This process takes time and it costs money. Nimblr leverages vast data sources and connections to public data to speed this process along. Nimblr can cryptographically determine the "confidence" of a claim. The result is a faster claims process to get you back to where you were prior to the loss. The positive side-effect is lower cost to settle claims which means more money in your pocket through lower premiums.
It sounds complicated. Is it?
Well - behind the scenes - yes it is very complicated. However, we understand that building a New Insurance OS that benefits insureds and professionals, and investors can't be hard to use. That's the problem Nimblr solves. We leverage AI and LLM to provide you with real-time data, real-time service, and real-time quotes. We've boiled it all down to the simplest of all human interaction: "Just Ask".
You mentioned blockchain - so this is crypto?
Nimblr is built on the Algorand blockchain. However, you don't have to be a Degen, or Crypto Native, or DeFi trader. Nimblr leverages blockchain technology for its security, transparency, and ability to provide multiple trusted sources of data. We truly believe that blockchain will usher in an entire set of new financial systems. We are focused on the insurance system. Premiums can be paid with "regular money". Claims are paid out in dollar-to-dollar denominated funds. You don't need a special passkey, or new wallet. We do recommend you get a digital wallet and we are happy to help you set it up. Nimblr will also be issuing a token, $Nimblr. But, think of that as rewards points at your local coffee shop, but with much greater benefits.
Why the heck would an insurance professional want to work in this new model?
Insurance professionals don't get the credit they deserve. Long hours, hard math, emerging risks - but we can't bring up our jobs at a friendly cookout without people telling us their worst experiences. Nimblr believes it is long overdue for insurance professionals to have a new way to work. A professional setting that allows them to apply their experience and knowledge to new, emerging, and diverse risks. They are paid for that work and they retain ownership of that work. Can you say Actuarial Model Royalties? Can you say Pricing Model Profit Sharing? We are very excited for the future of insurance and the future of insurance work!
Reach Out -
Have questions or inquiries? We're here to help! Reach out to us for assistance, inquiries, or partnership opportunities.